Are you aligning your faith and finances to strengthen your family?

Join the Align Family and receive activities each month to align your family’s finances.

Our monthly workbooks are designed to help parents teach their children about stewardship. We have carefully created activities to meet all age groups.

Start speaking life over your family and finances! Your financial success starts with your words and actions!

You must change your vocabulary! There is power in your words! 

Know that God has already provided the tools and resources for you to live with financial freedom.

Download your FREE workbook TODAY!

Prayer and Goal Setting Workbook 1.0
Budget Workbook 1.0
Christ, Credit, and Kids Workbook 1.0

Family Talk podcast

Podcast: Family Meetings with Naima-Ra Gianquinto & Family

WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY MEETING! Where we talk about faith, FICO scores, finances, and family stuff! 

Defining your family goals, stewardship principles, and strategic planning will position your family for generational wealth. We teach and practice the #555method to position families for prosperity in just 15 minutes a day. Communicating with God, purpose, stewardship and imparting into your family is what we teach.

Let's start aligning our FAITH, FICO, & FINANCES to strengthen our FAMILIES together! 



MyFICO allow you to get instant access to your credit reports and FICO® Scores—including FICO®Scores widely used in mortgage, auto and credit card lending, and the newly released FICO® Score 9†



Our goal is to provide educational material, coaching, workbooks, planners, and support to help you build wealth. Our wide-range of products and faith-based approach will help you build sustainable growth. We focus on your faith, family, mindset, self-improvement and credit characteristics to improve your lifestyle. 

Get your FREE 30-minute discovery call!